Sunday, October 4, 2009

I hit ya like Bam Biggity bam bam biggity bam... Let me take a breath, God Dayum.

I find it strange, tho this will change soon.
Right now, or should I say the last couple of days,
as wrecked as my heart may feel,
I swear I'm happy.
Like okay, occasionally I'll have my bumbling wreck, sad litttle bundle moods,
but I just feel so... at peace.
Actually I feel like I'm on pills, all the time.
Like when I am happy, I'm like pinging. Thats exactly how I describe my happiness.  A jolt, obviously far from euphoria, but a jolt none the less.
My heart beats so fast, it is actually quite alarming.
I'm trying to decide wether it's a bad thing or not.
I think about it, I have so much to be happy for, It is usually one particular thing that tends to pull me down.
I pretty much more what does bring me my joy tho.
Yes yes, I have my friends, and we all have our moments....
but for me, my joy is music.
As cliche`, ghay, cheesy etc as that may sound...
Gimmie some State Of Trance, Wu Tang Clan, Big L, Jay Z, KRS - One,
and mate I'm happy.
I feel like an arsehole, because They aren't exactly my original favourite Genre.
Like I love Hardcore, always have, always will.
But they do not exactly set the perfect mood of an atmosphere, I hate that I care less about it,
but you grow out of things. I duno, I need something new for while,
I need a new me, Ehhh Fekkk it.