Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Went to sleep real, Woke up realer.

I was so tired of everything,
so one night I just decided to pull it together.
I thought about everything making me unhappy, everything that ate me up inside, all the things I was wasting my time on...
None of it was actually worth it.
I let the wrong people bring me down, I compensated myself for others who had no care for me.
I picked the most wrong time to fall apart, right now is when everything matters and I let myself go.
I wasn't strong anymore, I wasn't passionate anymore... I became nothing. A smoking, swearing, spitefull, silent nothing. That's not who I am. I fell behind. Maria Burke never falls behind.
So that night I decided to go to sleep after hours of hyperventalating and crying and all that weak shit and wake up the new me, the better me.
Now, I can honestly say, I am much happier and less.... Angry.
I pulled myself together, got my acedemics back on track, got fit again and forgot about the uneeded baggage.
I intend on returning completely into the person I was before I crashed; The person who was far more superior than BW.
I just needed a wake up call to grow the fuck up... Ya get me?

...Don't Get This Shit Confused.
Nigga this was never my dream, been through what I seen. I'd rather Kill myself before I'll live a lie, before I'll turn informal. Nigga I'd rather fry.