Like so absulutely furious that all these fucking bones in my fucking body are shaking.
My hands are shaking that as I type this out, I keep making fucking errors.
I've noticed that i've just been to fuckign emotional, I mean, It happens...
People complain of how your not emotional enough, you're too heartless, and then the moment you try to be the slightest bit human, the moment you let emotions in YOU GET FUCKED OVER SO FUCKING HARD IT COULD KILL YOU.
That is just what happens, I am so sick of this not talking thing....
I tried, and I got absolutely fucked up the ass.
This poker face, the one that i had put away jsut to make you happy goes back on, I cannot be fucked by getting fucked over by you anymore, Stop fucking Pretending like you fucking give a shit about me when YOU CLEARLY DON'T.