I'd like it if people made things clear.
Pacino. Tell me where the line is. There are so many layers in between friendships and relationships.
Theres the acquaintances, the people who you say hello to etc but you don't really like them and you can't really hold a proper conversation with them...
Then there's the friends, the people you hang out with often, but you wouldn't consider them close...
Then you have the close friends, that pretty much explains itself...
And the best friends, also self explanatory, but are an extra level of warmth ( but be warned, best friend is an easy label when you can't be bother explaining the friendship. A person you've known for years but can't be bothered explaining it 'Yeah i've known him forever, he's like my bestfriend...' )...
Then you have the sibling, the person you love with all your heart a soul ( not literal sibling, duh ), it's what you would call a close opposite sex friend...
Then there's the next level, the relationship.
Seeing them, still trying to decide wether you can commit...
Partner, they are your boyfriend/girlfriend...
What i'm getting at is, how helpful would it be if you could define what the contact between you and another person is.
You see, Does Pacino see me as a sister or a close friend?
It is absolutely essential to know what the line is!
If I was seen as a little sis, then I know... Give up.
But close friends always have chance... Where is the line?
How do I know where I stand?
It's not something you generally ask.
I just... Need to know.