Sunday, February 7, 2010

And then like that, Everything Fell Through.

Everyones done it.
Everyones tried to be strong, tried to harden up and move on...
Everyones fianlly thought 'Yes, I'm ready to open up again, find something ( someone ) new', only to have the slightest pinch of the warmth you used to feel truely make a fist a brutally smash your face in. Yes, that's how I feel when that warm fuzzy feeling visits that sick little heart of mine.
You're back in that painful gut feeling; Also known as 'Butterflies.'

My encounter,
Oh lord! Tragedy, I think so.
I had this big ass wall, and I assure you, it was made of tons and tons of cement and bricks guarding me from one big ( and big is an awful word to use, although completely irrelevant, Mr BIG is not around literally. We havent spoken a single word to eachother in weeks, which frankly is quite liberating... But more to the point...), One big amazing Pacino. A lemme tell you, by barely lifting a finger he brought it all down.
It's just one of those things in life you hate to feel, over and over again.
You build this shit up for a reason and it's completely your fault that it smashes in your face.
Why is it one of human's traits to constantly do this to ourselves?
Like, I am okay. But every few minutes I feel a sense of need.
Need is bad for people, Need is a fucked up weakness.
Oh, what's there to do?
Gym for the mind... and heart?
I don't think so.