So much more from the dearest Merlz.
For those who are unsure who Merlz is, She is my mother.
Loved by all, everyone finds my mommy a mam cutie, cept for me. But I'm her daughter, I'm entitled to hate her since I've seen her real side.
Anyway, thats besides the point.
The point is, She found my smokes.
Sorry, first time i said it aloud. Makes me laugh.
So yeah she finds them, walks up to me, says 'Just tell me, do you smoke now?'
And in my head I'm like pissing myself laughing coz its like now!, mate more like 2 years.
So I decide, instead of some far fetched lie, I be honest and say Yahp.
She just greaseys me, then gives me the silent treatment. F.e, I guess if I was her I'd do the same.
So later she kinda has a shit fit, I now have to go centrelink myself to get that youth allowance bullshit, which I don't mind as much because as Merlie quotes 'You get all that worked out, so you can buy your ciggarettes.'
Its true, I need that allowance for my Stuyvies, nice to know she's paying attention to my wants.
Later on in the day, Me and her are no joke like (yn).
I find it funny, because I know all my mothers secrets. I can spot her lie to me in one sec.
It takes her what, like two years?
I think that's why she doesn't tell me to stop, or ground me or anything like that;
She knows I know all her secrets, and as bad as this may be, What she has done, and is doing, is sooo much more worse. I love It.
What's even better, is that that's all I need to worry about.
I have no other secrets hidden, That's all I hid from her. It's like this major weight is lifted.
A wise person once told me,
to just suck it up and tell Merlie about my addiction, and I had told them NO WAY!
Merlies crazy, she'll kill me.
Guess that wise person actually deserves their title.
I'd widh i could tell the wiseman that he was right, but i dont think he cares.